Saturday, February 21, 2015

Dragon Seems to Form From a Ghostly Mist

Photo date: December 22, 2014. Photographer: Mark Mahin.

The phenomenon of unexplained plasma-like clouds photographed at ground level is visually documented at this site, at this site, at Mya Gleny's site here, in the book "The Orb Project" by Miceal Ledwith and Klaus Heinemann, Ph.D, and in the book "Beyond Photography: Encounters with Orbs, Angels and Light-Forms," by  Katie Hall and John Pickering. The photo discussed here is consistent with these reports. These anomalies are sometimes called "light forms" or "plasma clouds," although a Google image search for "ghostly mist" or "ecto-mist" will show the most examples.

This photo was taken in front of an old house in New York. The photo shows an unexplained thick mist which was not visible to the eye. I pursed my lips and pinched my nose when taking the photo, so the "mist" cannot be explained as my breath.  The average temperature on this day was 40 degrees, and there was no fog.  On this day, I could not even see my breath during normal breathing.

ghostly mist
 Below is a closeup of a strange face that seems to form from this ghostly mist, a face resembling that of a dragon.

ghostly mist
In Western movies, dragons are often depicted as evil things. But in Chinese culture, dragons are regarded very differently, as symbols of good luck, wisdom, and longevity. This is why many Chinese restaurants use dragon motifs and decorations.  At this location, Chinese culture was very influential.

Following the terminology used on the "Orbs and More" website (where many similar photos exist), I am calling this a "plasma cloud."

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