Saturday, February 6, 2016

Paranormal "Candy Cane" Motion of the Light Rays

Photo date: February 1, 2016. Photographer: Mark Mahin.

I have recently been taking an incredibly strange series of photos that show a very weird set of transformations of the light from my TV set.  You can see dozens of previous photos of this type by looking at this very astonishing series of photos.

The "Orbs & More" site (a great site with lots of astonishing photos) has recently posted a photo showing TV light weirdness similar to what I have shown in this series of photos. Click here to see an example.

In the first photo, the letters "MC" make a squiggly, winding levitation upwards, and finally land on the edge of the ceiling.

bending light
The next photo shows something similar.

twisting light
In this photo the light rises up and makes a right-angle turn.

light right angle turn
In the next photo the light seems to drift way over to the right.

drifting light rays
Now a rectangle rises up and appears to the right.

paranormal light
Below is a closeup. Check out the shocking "candy cane" motion of the light rays. They travel in one direction, before turning back to travel back towards where they started from.

The "candy cane" on the left comes from the cable box clock, and the red "candy cane" on the right comes from an alarm clock I had placed next to the TV (a clock with red numbers).

 The photos were flash photos with an exposure time of 1/30 of a second, using normal camera settings (no "Night photo" setting).

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