Tuesday, February 2, 2016

The TV Words Levitated Above the Set

Photo date: January 27, 2016. Photographer: Mark Mahin.

I have recently been taking an incredibly strange series of photos that show a very weird set of transformations of the light from my TV set.  You can see dozens of previous photos of this type by looking at this very astonishing series of photos.  Below are some more.

The first one shows the words "Music Choice" (and the letters "MC") levitating above the TV set, along with a rectangle. Notice how the red light from the alarm clock is rising and bending to the left.

Below is a closeup from the image above. You can clearly read the words "Music Choice."

The next photo shows the TV image rising up and drifting way to the right.

weird drift
The next photo shows the letters "MC" levitating even higher above the TV set.

The next photo shows an astonishing "folding" effect. A plane of light rises up from the TV set, and then seems to fold backward, like some piece of paper being folded backwards.

The next photo (P1260154) shows the same strange folding effect, particularly on the left.  It is like some plane of light is being folded backwards.

paranormal photo
The photos were all taken while the camera was stable, as you can tell from the sharpness of all details except the strange light.  The photo were all taken by an old digital camera, using no special settings. The exposure time was only 1/30 of a second.

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